I'm a digital illustrator and I'm self-taught in Blender, and I enjoy sculpting procedural materials and exploring both photorealistic and abstract effects.
Driving Home
"Dawnbringer" Sword Design
"Shiva" Ship Design
"Flame" Poster
Flying Saucer
Clock Tower (gif)
Wooden AI Kart
Low-Poly Depth of FIeld
Materials created with calculations, not image textures. They can be applied to any surface.
Soap Bubbles
Watermelon, Interior and Exterior
Peckish Aristocrab
Lady in Profile
TAC (for Ryan Yoshikami)
"Hitbox" Radio Poster
Grant Sanderson
Lambert, Hendricks, and Ross
Death Mountain
Tektite (Outer Wilds)
Mario and the Stranger (Outer Wilds)
"Super Mario Symphony" is a fictional Mario game concept I use to study and emulate the way Koji Kondo composes. These are the thumbnails.
Beatburg Fortress
Mount Salsatoa
Drum Summit
Droning Desert